
2018 Family Bucket List

10 items to make your 2018 successful and fun!

By Meredith Hettler January 7, 2018

The new year is always a time for fresh starts.  It's an opportunity to create goals, fulfill dreams and make wishes come true.  Personally, I've always loved the new year and the blank page it provides; a page to be filled with hopes, activities, accomplishments and happiness.  

This year, I decided to expand my personal new year's goals and resolutions to include a family bucket list!  After a little thought, a lot of day-dreaming and hope for a great 2018, I've come up with ten items to fill our bucket with and create opportunities for fun, learning, memories and love!  

Here are my Ten Bucket List items to give you a little inspiration to create your own bucket list!  Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas on social media using the #mksouthburybucketlist

2018 Family Bucket List 

1.  Start a Piggy Bank:  This year we are starting a piggy bank with the hope of teaching some early financial skills to the kids!  Each month, I plan to count the money with the girls and help them decide if they should "spend" or "save" their money!

2.  Go to the beach:  I grew up on the NJ Shore and spent summers on the beaches of Long Island.  Somehow after having kids, my beach-going days disappeared.  I'm sad to say that my youngest daughter has never even seen the ocean!  This summer, I plan on taking the girls to the beach at least once (and despite the insane amount of work it takes to have a "relaxing beach day" with the kids).

3.  Meditate:  Okay, so the kids may not sit and "ohm" with me for 30 minutes, but my husband might!  Also, full disclosure...I'm terribly at meditating but I know it's good, so I'm going to try at least once a week (and try to include any and all family members who are willing to participate).  

4.  Take More Day Trips:  We are always so busy with the "business" of life that we often forget to just take a day out for the family.  I want to take more day trips to all of the great places locally, within CT and beyond.  I'm planning on more trips to aquariums, the zoo, hiking, snow-shoeing, lunches and more!

5.  Go to More Sports Events:  My daughter and I had such a blast at the Jets game this past November it made me think about all of the local sports teams and college/high school teams that have games all year-around.  This year, I want to take the kids to more sports games and find a local team to support!

6.  Volunteer:  There is so much family and community value to volunteering and lot of opportunities here in Southbury to give back.  I hope to get my family more involved in serving our community and those in need.  

7.  Organize the Playroom and Donate All of the Toys that are Collecting Dust:  Enough said.  

8.  Spend More Time at the Library:  We've always been a family of readers but definitely don't utilize the library to the fullest extent.  I plan to take the girls to more story-time programs andvperhaps go to a few interesting programs myself!  I also plan on taking more books out and truly enjoying the opportunity to have a wealth of literature and knowledge at my fingertips.  

9.  Start a Vegetable Garden:  I love the idea of a garden but never felt like I had enough of a green thumb.  Once spring rolls around I'm going to gain some confidence, grab the husband and kids and try my hand at growing a few tomatoes and maybe a cucumber or two!

10.  SKIING!  My husband and I are ski fanatics....although we never go anymore.  This year we plan on taking our 3-year old on her first ski trip and at least getting back to our skiing roots, but now as a family.  

If you have more ideas, share them!  I'd love to add to our family's bucket list!